Monday, February 25, 2008

Mr. Coulter's Internet Tendency: to Infinity and Beyond

so mr. coulter started publishing his students writing on the internet. he is a fourth grade teacher. he has them write everyday in their journals for fifteen minutes. after the fifteen minutes, they get together and share what they've written. after they do a lot of rewriting and the teacher helps them edit, they type them up in a simply formatted word processing document. the students pick out their very best writings every month or so. the teacher then publishes the students writings on the internet. he adds pictures when he thinks they will accent the writing.
he doesn't let the students embellish their writing with crazy text or pictures in the beginning. so the writing that they do is just about the writing. i think its a great idea. encouraging students to write helps them find their place in life. they will become better readers. they will be better writers in all the different ways you can write. writing everyday will help them evolve in all the subjects of their school day.


kkamenik said...

I think this is a very easy way to integrate technology in education. The students are learning to use the word processor and are able to edit what they have written. When the teacher publishes their best works on the internet it give the students the feeling that what they write is important.

Matt Cox said...

Very good post. Maybe the best. Haha. I liked the article ... especially Gabby's entry. I agree that this is a great way to encourage writing and improve it in all school subjects. Although writing like this isn't something every student is going to enjoy, this is a great way to expose them to it through the use of technology.