Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reflection 6 - The three branches of government

Reflection # 6

The subject of social studies is a key to understanding our history on the national and international levels. As an intervention specialist I know that I will be teaching a variety of subjects, therefore I have chosen a lesson in social studies on government at the national level. I feel that being knowledgeable and comfortable in the subject of social studies is a key component to a well-rounded student. In my lesson I will focus on the three branches of government in the United States of America. The three branches of course, are legislative, judicial, and executive.
I feel that I can incorporate technology into my lesson in three interesting ways. The first way deals with the way I will present the material. By creating a powerpoint presentation, complete with facts, discussion questions, pictures, etc., I believe students will be more interested than if I just stand up at the front of the class, write the three branches of government on the chalkboard and talk about them. Powerpoint could possibly hold students’ attention better, and also be responsible for more interest in the subject material. I feel that presentation of the material has a lot to do with the excitement level and interest level of the students that you are teaching.
A second way in which I can incorporate technology into my lesson could be a video on the internet or just simply a DVD or VHS, that relates to the three branches of government. This video could be from a series that provides videos or DVD’s on education, for example, PBS. This video could also be from of an educational website, and viewed on a projector that is hooked up to the computer. After giving an initial lesson or some type of instruction, I feel that it sometimes helps to have students view and listen to the material from another source other than the teacher.
A third way in which I could incorporate technology into the classroom would be a sort of capstone assignment to end the lesson. For this assignment I would have my students find an example of the legislative branch, judicial branch, and executive branch in action. For example a student would get on the internet and look for an article about a criminal who was recently sentenced for their crime. This would be an example of the judicial branch. I feel that incorporating this final capstone assignment and third form of technology is beneficial for a students understanding of the entire process of our three branches of government.


Lauren said...

I think that you are right that a powerpoint sometimes does hold the students attention better. You can also show movies that relate to the different branches of government like 12 Angry Men. Also don't forget about School House Rock especially the one "How a Bill becomes a Law".

KScott said...

Your "capstone" project is a perfect segue into our next topic: authentic assessment...