Friday, February 29, 2008

Technology and The Order of Operations

For my lesson plan, I will be instructing my students on the proper way to solve mathematical formulas using the Order of Operations. In order to move further into to study of Algebra, understanding the order of operations is a must. There are many approaches to take when teaching the order of operations such as the use of an overhead, Smartboard, breaking into groups and working on problems, etc. One can use technology to teach the order of operations through applications such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or even Paint.

Obviously the use of a Smartboard would be one way I'd incorporate technology into my lesson plan. Writing out the rules and completing sample problems can be done on the Smartboard. But the one specific plan I have for incorporating technology into my lesson plan is to have students work with Excel and Word to create their own individual posterboards explaining the order of operations. On their posterboards, students write out the acronym "PEMDAS - Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply/Divide, Add/Subtract). Using Word/Excel I will have them come up with and type out their own example formulas. Then they'd print them out and break each step down using each letter of the PEMDAS acronym. Example formula:


Once pasted onto the posterboard, students may add arrows from Paint, Word, or Excel to point out each step in the process of solving the formula. Additional math-related images from the web or clipart may be used to "spice up" the posterboard.


adriana sabath said...

Your lesson plan sounds very interesting, it is definitely a creative way to integrate technology and mathematics. Great job describing the steps to accomplish your lesson.

OH-IO said...

Sounds like rote learning through visual imagery. Students will be able to recall this visual image throughout their lives nice job.

Mark said...

I like the use of tech combined with the mnemonic device. Great idea. Nice job overall