Thursday, February 28, 2008

technology in grammar lesson

In every classroom it is important to incorporate technology. Technology is growing rapidly and it is more than likely that your students know more about technology than you do. It is important to keep kids interested and technology is one way of doing that. Technology isn’t the only way of teaching kids and it should not take the place of a teacher, but it is still very important. It is important for kids to get familiar with technology, there may be some kids in your class that don’t have access to a computer at home or maybe even a television. School may be the place that some students can get technology experience that they will need later in life. In the world we live in today, it is important that everyone knows how to use a computer or is at least semi familiar with it and what it can do. As I mentioned before as important as technology is, it should never take the place of a teacher and the teacher shouldn’t let technology be the entire lesson.
There are a few ways I have come up with to incorporate technology into a grammar lesson. First I could show one of the videos of “School House Rock” which would be on a TV or on a projector. More specifically I could make up a power point for the kids about synonyms and antonyms (what my lesson is about) instead of them just listening to me and taking notes. I could use clip art and other various pictures to try to make it more interesting. Another form of technology that I could use would be different websites. There are different websites that kids can go to that have interactive games with different grammar lesson. I know there is a game on that has to do with grammar and synonyms and antonyms. Unless a class had access to a computer lab, maybe only a few students could do this at a time. This could also be a station in a workshop type setting if a computer lab is unavailable. If more games are wanted if you type in grammar games into google you can find thousands. It is important to keep up with technology and incorporate into your classroom, luckily in the world we live in today, it isn’t too hard.


Andrea Limbach said...

This is a great way to incorporate technology in your lesson. One might be quick to say that technology might not make sense with a grammar lesson, but I think it would provide a rich addtional resource to have stations set up in which one station would be to have exercises and/ or grammar games on the internet while other stations contribute to the more traditional teaching style methods. Not only will you be differentiating instruction in your classroom, but you will be letting students experience different ways in which grammar is important. Your students will see how to catch it on the computer and also in writing assignments and books too!

Matt Cox said...

Great job pointing out the fact that the classroom may be the only place some students are able to use computers or other sources of technology that aren't readily available at home.

OH-IO said...

Anytime you can bring about proven materials that transend time and place like School House Rock you have my attention. sounds good.

kkamenik said...

I definitely agree that it is important to incorporate technology in your teaching but that it should not replace the teacher. Many teachers rely on technology to do all of the work!
Sites like or could assist students with synonyms and antonyms. Some may not even know that resources like these exist.

PetePappas said...

Lauren, I like how you plan on using technology not only as a teaching tool, but as a way to acquire the students attention.