Reconcilable differences indeed! A standard refers to something that is uniform by nature and differentiation refers to something that is diverse. Great, now all we have to do achieve uniform diversity, or is it diverse uniformity? Yeah, and while we're at it, why not just put an end to the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict? Well, fortunately it's not as hopeless as it seems. From our discussions in class, first around Tomlinson's text and later her web article, we seemed to learn that, as teachers, we actually can accommodate both approaches in the same classroom. Even more exciting is the prospect that one can be made to compliment the other! We just need to maintain the proper perspective. We should proceed with the outlook that differentiated instruction is the proper strategy through which the standard content is channeled to our students. We can look at it as though all our students have a common destination. However, we must realize that they all will not be starting from the same origin and furthermore, the paths that they must cross vary greatly in length and topography. But once we gather this information and carefully construct a plan to navigate each terrain, we can achieve our goal. I selected the quote from the article which compared Standards-based instruction to a run-away locomotive- obliterating everything in its path. Well, let's just make sure our tracks are laid with differentiated steel. That way teachers, students, and administrators alike, can all stay on track and safely meet up at our intended junction.
A standard refers to something that is uniform by nature and differentiation refers to something that is diverse.
That was really an interesting thought you had. I agree with it and I also agree with how difficult it is to combine the two into something that works for both teachers and students. Obviously, we are learning about ways to do that but it still seems difficult nontheless.
Maintaining the proper perspective...
Very important! Differentiated instruction is a top priority. Once this is established, the set standards will fall into place within the content. Great way to summarize.
I'm glad you looked equally at both sides of the differentition issue and gave equal billing to each. You gave us positive reinforcement but also confronted the differentition issue for what it is-diverse and difficult! Not to mention what was it again?..oh yes, "uniform diversity or diverse uniformity." I will remember that. And by the way,the picture is great!
"We should proceed with the outlook that differentiated instruction is the proper strategy through which the standard content is channeled to our students."
Shirley Maclain channels Carol Ann Tomlinson on tonights Lifetime Movie event.
Seriously, Mark you are on point here. Those may be the Standards but they are not the words and actions you have to use to express those standards. Good Job.
PS I'll go barefoot before I let them cut off my toes for my "own good". lol
Love the analogy.
(Just wondering who "trained" you to be so clever....)
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