Saturday, April 5, 2008


The two quotes that I took from the article were “Do the standards reflect the knowledge understandings and skills valued most by experts in the disciplines that they represent?” and “differentiation can show us how to teach the same standard to a range of learners by employing a variety of teaching and learning modes.” The first quote relates directly to what we were talking about in class. Some teachers feel like the standards that they have to teach limit them as teachers and creative individuals. Many times experts in their fields want to have the freedom to teach thing content that they want to teach. The content standards limit that freedom quite a bit. There can be different ways of teaching science and the students can learn the same skills but everyone might not want to teach the same thing. The quote brings up a good point that a teacher could be very knowledgeable in a branch in the subject that the content standards don’t cover. Should the students not be exposed to a great lesson that the teacher could teach just because it is not in the standards?
The second quote that I picked sort of answers the question from the first quote. Although this quote hits directly to meeting the needs of the learners by differentiation, it can also meet the teacher’s needs. A teacher can still be creative and do things his or her own way through differentiation Although all 10th grade science teachers are expected to teach the same chemistry lessons, the way the teach it can reflect their expertise on the subject area. Some teachers may be more hands on, and some teachers may have strong real life examples to bring to the classroom. Just as the quote directly states, differentiation can reach a variety of students. Teaching content standards just one way in a classroom may not give the positive result that is expected. Not all the students will learn those standards. As we have learned all through this class, people learn different ways, on different levels and with different techniques. Differentiation the lessons with the content standards may give more students an equal opportunity to learn the content that they are expected to be tested on.
Throughout this class I have found differentiated instruction to be confusing and overwhelming. It is something that has to come from experience. I think sometimes without even realizing it teachers naturally are progressing to differentiation instruction. With more and more inclusion in the classrooms, it would almost be impossible to have a classroom without any differentiated instruction. I do believe that it gives more students an equal chance to learn the material in the best way possible. Differentiated instruction is a good idea, and it is extremely necessary as we have learned all throughout this class. It is important to give everyone an equal chance to succeed. With all the different learning styles and various learning disabilities and differences in human beings, differentiated instruction in the classroom gives the best hope for each child in the classroom.


Mark said...

"It is important to give everyone an equal chance to succeed."

You've got a great quote of your own there that sums all this up really well.

OH-IO said...

What is interesting to me is how you said DI was over whelming. Imagine the kid(ST) who is not educated, who does not have your life experiences, who does not have your family background, who does not have your IQ, who does not have your desire to please your parents, who does not have a safe quiet place to do homework, who does not have a parent willing to lend a hand with homework, send them to Sylvan.
Get my point....If you a HS Grad, College Grad can be overwhelmed.
Imagined how overwhelmed and confused they must be with regular everday events let alone school.

But think of the caring teachers that have done DI because they understood differences in children years ago. They didn't have classes in teachers college to tell them to do it. They saw a need and made it happen.

Saint Carol Ann Tomlinson

Mark said...

Hey Brian - Now if we can only get CAT to work on improving those hospital gowns! Now that would truly be a service to mankind worth granting sainthood for.

KScott said...

"But think of the caring teachers that have done DI because they understood differences in children years ago. They didn't have classes in teachers college to tell them to do it. They saw a need and made it happen."

I completely agree, Bryan. It just seems like common sense, don't you think?