Saturday, March 22, 2008

Classroom Management

The quote for this week is “Intelligence plus character- that is the true goal of education.” This quote is very true because it signifies two important traits that are great assets in education. Education is not just about being intelligent, but having good moral character as well. If a Teacher can help their students gain knowledge and help them to understand how important it is to follow the rules and treat others how you want to be treated, these two qualities will help the students not only succeed in school but also in life.

As a teacher I want to manage my classroom the same way I manage my household "without the yelling". I want the enviornment to be one that is most conducive to maximize the students learning, creativity, and experiences. I want to provide a enviornment the produces motivation, pride, and self esteem. I want to have a relaxing atmosphere to help my students be comfortable with very little distractions. There is a substantial amount of research in support of relaxation being an important ingredient in improving and/or accelerating learning. Such research further supports the idea that instrumental music by such composers as Mozart and Bach are calming and actually help to raise student test scores.

Creating an environment conducive to concentration, study, and learning is more than having attractive, stimulating sights, relaxing sounds, and good ventilation. It is creating a place where all feel comfortable and at ease, a place where the surroundings are neat and orderly. It is a place where there is mutual respect in a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere, a place where everyone can bloom and do their best.


stephanieb said...

it is very scary. The key word in this is management the balance between having fun yet not getting completely out of control is a huge responsibility because your students performance reflects on you as a teacher.

Tina said...

I’m just happy to hear that I’m not the only one who manages my household through yelling! As a teacher, I’m sure I wouldn’t yell and scream within the classroom because I have never yelled or screamed at a co-worker...yet.

It would be my hope as well to create a learning environment that is comfortable with little distraction but, is that always possible? I just think of what students bring with them into the classroom…the good and the not so good. We will be put in situations not only to enhance a good parent’s rearing but also, to work through situations of troubled students, whether it is from a negative home life or other outside forces.

I agree that playing soft, relaxing music could most definitely allow for students to learn better and it may even cause fewer behavior problems because it assists in deterring stress but, with some students, that only assists with topical issues. Many students we will come in contact with have issues, troubles and stress down to their core. How to we cut through it all in the time we have them in our classroom?…or should we even try? Isn’t the classroom a place to be social and to learn? How much time will we have to actually mold or in some cases, remold our students?