Saturday, March 29, 2008

Intelligence without character is a waste!

In class we briefly mentioned teachers as being role models for their students and setting examples for appropriate behavior. While subbing at a high school last week, many of the students in my classes were being called to the office throughout the day because one non-athlete tattled on an athlete for drinking at a party. Managing and controlling the behavior in a classroom is hard enough as a substitute, but when students are being called to the office about a drinking party it is even harder. When the students come back to class they all want to talk about what was said and know if there is any nossip. Being respectful of the students is also difficult when I know that they do not respect me, however I am learning that being stern and unfriendly is a necessity in substitute teaching.
Once all those involved with the drinking party had been called to the office, 25 students, both athletes and non-athletes were disciplined for drinking at the party. Since there was no adult present and no pictures of the students at the party, the school could not prove that the party actually happened, but all of the students received 8 days suspension from sports(even the non-athletes). And since this week was spring break, these days were used as their suspension. To me this does not seem like much of a punishment, especially for the non-athletes that were suspended from sports. I understand that because there was no proof that the party actually occurred, the school couldn’t do a whole lot, but it still seems as if the administration is just reinforcing the student’s behavior in saying that if there isn’t proof- then it didn’t happen.
Many of the students that were suspended from school are intelligent according to other teachers, but the true goal of education is not being met when these intelligent students are getting suspended for using alcohol. Eight out of 10 of the high school coaches teach at the high school or junior high, but on more than one night per week multiple teachers/coaches can be found at the town bar drinking. These teachers are not encouraging appropriate behavior in their students and athletes. (They should at least go to a different town with a population over 1000 if they feel it necessary to get wasted multiple nights a week haha J.K.).
Intelligence without character is like cake without frosting, it’s good but it could be a whole lot better. Cake without frosting is dry and boring, basically a waste, unless of course you are on a diet. Intelligence without character is dull, unexciting and a waste.

1 comment:

KScott said...

Wow. Talk about your perfect negative example....