Sunday, March 2, 2008

In a perfect world

My lesson is on painting. It will be for an elementary art class. I found a lesson online where children will mimick the image of Monet's Waterlilies through the use of watercolors and collage. I could use technology in this lesson in so many ways. I already used the internet to find the lesson itself. I could have students research Monet and other painters on the internet for the Unit that the Monet lesson would be a part of. They could write reports/research papers on Monet's life. I could set up a field trip to a museum through the use of the internet so that my kids could see some of Monet's work in person. I could set up "Miss Lucas' Class Website" so showcase my students work. Through this website I could solicit parental feedback, and feedback from other teachers and schools. My kids would be so excited to show off the fact that they were on the internet! They could each have their own pages that they update with class and personal goals. They could write artist statements on their pages explaining their inspiration for the work that they create. I would of course not let them include any real personal information. First names only and definitly no pictures of the kids. There are a lot of weirdos out there. We could also contact another school and have kids from across the country talk to each other. I could talk to the other teacher beforehand and we could both do the same lesson and have the kids talk about it. This might all be far far beyond what could ever be possible. In my year of subbing, I have yet to see an art room with a smart board. I have been in art rooms that have their own computers with internet access, but not many. Usually those computers are reserved for teacher use. It seems like the regular classrooms get the first dibs on the technology. I know that there are efforts to get computers into the schools, but many of these school districts don't even have money for books. We could go on and on about the depressing state of our schools. I really like my website idea though. In my ideal classroom the class website would be possible. Included in that ideal is me actually knowing how to set up a website for my kids. But it doesn't hurt to dream!


stephanieb said...

good ideas, i like the picture. Using the internet is very helpful in finding lesson plans and ideas. Yes there are alot of weirdos out there, be very careful using the internet with other peoples pictures and names. :)

Nilisha7 said...

I really love your title, painting actually gives a person a sense of their own perfect world. They just put it on paper. Painting is a great outlet for whats inside a person. I think this is a wonderful lesson plan.

~Nilisha W.