Saturday, March 22, 2008

Accentuate the Positive

"Intelligence plus character-
that is the true goal of education." Gloria Steinem

A person is educated not only when they absorb the knowledge the schools and the people around them have to offer, but also when they know how to exhibit themselves in a respectful manner to the outside world. When children come into our classrooms, we are legally their guardians for those hours of the day. We make the decisions about their behavior, we provide the discipline and encouragement, and we comfort them if they are hurt in any way. We have to provide love as well as correction.

We are there to teach them so many things. This is actually a huge responsibility and it kind of scares me. I am trying to persevere though. I suppose it is one step below having my own children. You are responsible for every little thing in this person's life. What they eat, how they act, what they think... When you are a teacher, you get them after they have had a few years with someone else. You have to learn things about them that their parents may have missed. Perhaps they have had almost no parental involvement whatsoever!

Sometimes I get really frazzled in the classroom. I wonder what their regular teacher does differently that I am missing. I hope that I can learn some better techniques when I do my student teaching. I think that I do a good job most of the time though. I take a lot of notes on the class to give to the regular teacher. I hope that they appreciate it. I know that it is hard for them and for the kids to have to deal with a new person. I think that if I choose to have fun and be excited about the day, that it makes a difference in the way that I treat the students and the way the students treat me. When someone knows that you want to be there and that you want to help them, they will react to you in a positive way.

A positive plus a positive has to equal a positive, right?


Lauren said...

I like how you brought up that we are the legal guardians for the day, because that is something teachers need to think about. It is our job to teach the kids not only lessons on education, but also lessons on life and behavior. I completely agree with you when you said you get frazzeled when going into a classroom as a sub, I often wonder how teachers are able to control their classrooms. Then I remember that I am just a sub, and these kids are TRYING to be as bad as possible and they don't normally act that way for their real teacher.

Andrea Limbach said...

I think classroom management and discipline techniques and views are going to be different for every teacher for two reasons. One, everyone has their own style and signature when it comes to dealing with certain situation and it is important to know that. You may get frustrated right now, but the experiences you are getting are helping you to mold that signature and style for your own classroom. Another reason everyone's approach to classroom mgt. will be different is age group. I truly feel that like you said as teachers we have responsibilities outside of the just teaching the sbuject matter, we are shaping our students lives in many different ways. I think its great that you realize that ad that it scares you too because it is something we should think about and be prepared for. I say think about your age groups when you do have your own classroom or when subbing because different lessons and situations will need to be handled age appropriately. Students are at different points in their lives depending on the grade and they will respect us more as teachers if we take note of that and adjust accordingly!

Mark said...

A good person doesn't need to be scared. Your intuitions will guide you to model excellent character traits. It's quite evident that you are a very conscientious person with a positive attitude.
And I'm 'positive' that your post conveys intelligence plus character.

elizabeth conroy said...

I think many of us related to your blog this week plus I loved the cute picture! Anyway, you brought up several good points but two comments in paticular struck home with me. One was your statement that an educated person knows how to exhibit themselbes in a respectful manner to the outside world. With all the types of behavior that is accepted today, in the media, in public, even in the classroom, it is important to remember and realize that WE are the ones as teachers to teach and demonstrate respect. That is not always easy!
Secondly, I wonder also like you do, what does the regular teacher do in the classroom? What does she do that I am not doing and what ever happened to respect anyway?

KScott said...

Wow! What great comments (and a thought-provoking post!) I can't add much except to say that I agree that subbing is probably the most difficult job in schools--in terms of management/discipline (except maybe driving a bus!) I think you are so right, though--attitude is 9/10 of the "battle."