Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I gotta do it.

"What we learn to do, we learn by doing." Aristotle
In order to have a cohesive understanding of the information presented to us, the goals, tests, and teaching all have to be in line. We cannot take a test in a way that is totally opposite from the way that we learned. If we wanted to teach our students how to use scissors properly, the test would not involve the paper cutter. If one of our goals was for a student to be able to identify pointillism we would not show them works of abstract expressionism. This quote is actually perfect for me. People can show me a million demonstrations and give me a thousand lectures, but I still will not get most things unless I do them with my own two hands. I have always been like that. In cake decorating class in high school, I would watch the teacher demonstrate, but all I could think about was getting my hands on the materials. I still can't make a rose to save my life. I think if there had been time for her to use more one on one instruction for those of us that weren't getting it, I would make amazing roses. I think that if we think of our favorite teachers and try to emulate them in our own classrooms, we will be better teachers because of it.

1 comment:

Nilisha7 said...

Yea, I agree that the way we learn information is the same way our brains will store the informatiom. So when it's time to retrieve the information our brains will retrieve in the same way it was stored.