Saturday, March 15, 2008

PART in my classroom

The defination of enviornment is that of any external conditions, resources, stimuli etc. with which an organism interacts. My goal as a teacher is to develope a classroom management plan through routines and organization to help shape the community which my students will be encouraged by positive and productive stimuli. Seems nearly impossible right? If you take each category from our chapter P.A.R.T it helps break it down to very simple ways.
In class I chose to put time as my first priority in developing my eviornment as the most important but after re-reading the chapter and researching the websites I changed my mind. Now I feel the first way to shape your community’s enviornment is by showing this group of children from all different cultures, backgrounds, society, etc… that you care. I will pass on Kohn’s central ideas connectedness, value and respect from the first day of school. It is very important to me as the teacher to show (through actions, tone, and words) that I can recognize their feelings and that I am willing to comminicate and listen to all students. Ambience as said in the book refers to the mood or atmosphere of a classroom. My goal to develop an appropriate sense of ambience is to start off being a good role model, listen and commicate appropriately, convey that school is pleasant, and provide intellectual stimulation. Some things that will help me accomplish this task is putting up some inspirational quotes, playing some soft music during quiet time, knowing each childs name when they walk through the door during week 1, letting the students have a say in what the classroom might look like and providing a safe place where they can come and grow intellectually and socially.
Physical arrangement, time schedule, routines and instructional activites help build and communicate my stance on education and what I want to accomplish. I will be sure to take in concideration my goals and use wall space, windows, ceilings, desk arrangement to my advantage. I will set up my classroom physical appearance with some things to keep on my mind. I will want to be able to monitor the classroom, keep a balance of power, and keep it productive and effective. Allowing children to see other children, keep their attention on me as the teacher, being able to get to a child that needs assistance, and that materials are kept as close as possible to make activities run smoother. In my classroom I will have a place to do seat work and whole class instruction but I also want to encourage my students to explore other interests in the centers I will have in my classroom. For example, an art center or music center where when they are done with their class work they can go quietly without interupting the other students and continue to learn something that interests them on their own.
We have all known some pretty messy teachers in our lives. But I can’t blame them. They have all this “stuff” to keep organized but keeping new ideas and lessons coming as well. Well all that stuff is the resources that I will use in my classroom. Resources range from homework papers, computers, books, and even children. Keeping all of these resources organized is my main goal in my classroom. You can do this by having calendars, folders, computer time, and routine for collecting homework, etc.
Finally, Time “Use your classroom time as gold: wasting a single minute costs everyone in the class, and those costs can never be recouped” Time is golden in a classroom. My main goal in my classroom is to maximize the time with my students and minimize the time they spend in inappropriate ways. The division of time in our books explains it perfectly. Give yourself as the teacher time to study or subject (allocated) but also give time to spend on a specific insturction that will address the specific subject (engaged) and finally give time where the students can engage themselves in mastery of the subject (academic learning.) Poor insturuction is at the very least a waste of time. My goal is to have prepared lessons before hand and to help teach my students the importance of time and time management.
All of these basic ways of building an appropriate enviornment may or may not work, but we have to be on our toes and ready to reconstruct our enviornment to apply it to our always changing society.


Andrea Limbach said...


Great posting! It sounds like you have thought of all of these elements in how to have an effective classroom and that you are going to try and be as effective as possible which is great to already have that mind set! How will a special education classroom differ in the set up from a regular classroom setting? Have you thought about these things? What do you think your biggest challenge will be with teaching social on top of intellectual skills to your special ed students? Maybe the way your classroom will be set up can foster that for you so you can focus more on intellectual. Just some things to think about.... :)

Mark said...

I also made the switch from time to ambience after more reflection (is it just me, or is anybody else starting to hate that word?) After reading your post, I can tell your classroom will have great atmosphere (and a great teacher).
You know though, at the end of your blog it seems like you might have gone back to time being the number one priority? Nice job overall.
P.S. Make sure there's a spell check button in your new classroom.

Mark said...

Oh, and Hey, I forgot to say; nice pun in your title, You know how I appreciate humor :}

KScott said...

Thanks for sharing the Kohn concepts, Steph. Very relevant. I also like all your specific ideas for implementing your ideals into your classroom. I agree with Andrea--you've obviously given this much thought.

I also like your acknowledgement at the end that these ideas "may or may not work, but we have to be on our toes and ready to reconstruct our enviornment to apply it to our always changing society." I really like that image...

And, Mark:"is it just me, or is anybody else starting to hate that word?

Mark said...

"Sorry about that Chief!"
-Maxwell Smart

kkamenik said...

I like how you plan to start as being a good role model! You may be the ONLY positive role model that your students will ever have.
Also, knowing that some things may or may not work is beneficial because you will be willing to try new ways of creating the ideal learning environment for your students.

Lauren said...

I think that I agree with both you and Mark that ambience might be one of the more important factors in a learning environment, but like I said in my reflection all of the factors play off each other. If you have a good ambience to your classroom you will have better time time management and be able to effectivley use your resources. The physical aspect of the room also reflects the ambience of the classroom. I thought you did a good job on your reflection. And I love reading Mark's comments because they always make me laugh.